Print versus embroidery on personalized clothing

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sewing machine
You've probably noticed too. When you want to customize a garment, you usually have two options: printing (also called printing) or embroidery. To customize a garment thousands of reasons. Think of companies that offer business attire to their employees, companies that want to put logos on their products, a sports team with a personalized outfit... All good reasons, but your personalized outfit How do you know if you should have it printed or embroidered? Printing ve embroidery The choice goes beyond mere outcome. There are a few factors you should consider. You should consider these, if you do not personalized the results your clothes deserve will not be pretty. That would be a shame, wouldn't it? Will you have to reinvest in these garments? You definitely don't want to spend more than you should. Therefore, both options advantages ve disadvantages It is important to know that

Why are printing and embroidery not the same?

First of all, between printing and embroidery. your differences We want to explain exactly what it is.

Oppression, on the fabric is printed. It is made by pressing the ink directly onto the garment. Inkpasses through a special mesh for each color. After printing, each garment goes through a large drying tunnel. In this way, printing is improved.

Embroidery directly to fabric is planted. The first step is to digitize the logo, as the process is now fully automated using a computer-controlled embroidery machine. The logo can be uploaded to the machine after digitizing. The final result is a true representation of the 3D element of the design. glamorous It is a professional looking garment.

Cost-effective customization, how do I do it?

To know which option is the most cost-effective, you need to look at a number of factors. Let's consider these factors:

For embroidery, your logo needs to be digitized. This, of the embroidery machine required to have the design instruction to sew. price for it per embroidery determines. In general, only less than 100 pieces If you need a large number of pieces and the logo is no larger than the pocket size, it is often cheaper to have an embroidered garment.

The print is a little different. Here the price is included in the design number of colors and how many times your design printing determined as needed. A separate piece of mesh is required for each color, meaning costs can be slightly higher when using multiple colors. Numerous If you need to print, the print job can certainly be interesting.

Sustainability above all

Of course, it is important that your personalized garment can last a long time.

Usually embroidery more durable It is considered. Understandable, because at the seam fading or a tearing less likely to show symptoms. Of course, embroidery is not indestructible. The seam itself can be easily damaged.

On the other hand, printing a little more fragile. The design may fade, crack or even flake after a while. It is also sensitive to high temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful when washing and ironing!

Material selection is important!

Another factor to consider is where you want to place the design. is material. Some materials are more suitable for printing, while others are more suitable for embroidery.

of thin or flexible fabric Embroidery is not the right choice for garments made. The stitching causes the fabric to begin to pucker. The fabric itself can then tear more easily than the stitch itself. Therefore, it is better to give preference to printing with such a fabric. A print does not create tension on the garment it is pressed on, and of course the size of the design is also important. Design from pocket size will it be bigger? But if you want to embroider on it later, the price will increase. Then printing is the optimal choice.

When it comes to t-shirts, hoodies or similar garments or large designs, it is best to choose print. High quality materials or from a thicker fabric Embroidery is the best match with those made.

Consider embroidery when it comes to garments with a smaller design and a thicker fabric such as polo, fleece, outerwear and hats.

What are the pros and cons?

to the pros ve to the cons let's take a look

Benefits of PRINT

Disadvantages of PRINT

Perfect for large designs

It is less durable

Suitable for thin or stretchy fabrics

Not suitable for thick materials

Best option for large quantity order

More expensive for small orders

Advantages of EMBROIDERY

Disadvantages of Embroidery

sustainable option

Not suitable for large jobs

Ideal for small designs

Not suitable for thin materials

Cheaper with small quantity order

More expensive for large orders


Both printing and embroidery have advantages. when making a decision various factors think carefully. Before making a decision, consider the logo design, the budget, the garments that need to be above the design, and the quantity of your order.

I hope after reading this blog post you have decided what you want to do with your design. Still on customizing your design your questions with us, if any contact Don't hesitate to pass. Together we will create a design that everyone will admire!

Not sure what you want to do with your design? Request a quote today without any obligation!

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